**The Kozmik Zoo is sold and will be called Seven Dining Lounge. They are supposedly going to continue having live music. Will keep keep you updated** Talking Stick Festival Feb 18-Mar 2 50 shows- explore aboriginal culture through the arts/music/drama etc http://fullcircle.ca/ Human Rights Watch Travelling Film Festival Feb 20-23 (most events are free) The Festival bears witness to human rights violations and creates a forum for courageous individuals on both sides of the lens to empower audiences with the knowledge that personal commitment can make a difference. The films bring to life human rights abuses through storytelling in a way that challenges each individual to empathize and demand justice for all people. Each year highlights from our London and New York festivals are presented. http://allevents.in/vancouver/the-human-rights-watch-traveling-film-festival/543575145738537 Monday Feb 17 Vancity Theatre Seymour St 7p.m. $11 Black History Month Calypso Rose: The Lioness of the Jungle An exuberant and inspiring ambassador for the Caribbean, Calypso Rose is the uncontested and much decorated diva of Calypso music. With more than 800 recorded songs, she continues to be a pioneer and champion of women’s rights, as she travels the world making music. French-Cameroonian filmmaker Pascale Obolo spends four years with Calypso
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Jeni’s Picks of the Week Feb 10-16, 2014
Granville Island Winterruption Festival Feb 14-16 Granville Island is gearing up to celebrate its ninth annual Winterruption, a truly unique Vancouver winter festival! Lots of music and theatre, dance, film performances. Discover artists’ exhibits, local food, French films and Pop up Dances around every corner of the Island all weekend long! http://granvilleisland.com/winterruption Monday Feb 10 Vancity Theatre Seymour St 7p.m. $11 Black History Month Sweet Dreams In the aftermath of genocide, a group of women form a collective, Ingoma Nshya, the first women’s drumming group in the history of Rwanda (where the drum has always been a male domain). Impressive enough, but this is where the dream turns sweet: founder member Kiki Kakase came to New York to participate in a theatre lab, and came across a store: Blue Marble Ice Cream. She had never tasted anything like it. “I want to open an ice cream shop in my home town,” she announced. And remarkably, Blue Marble owners Jennie Dundas and Alexis Miesen agreed to come to Kigali and help introduce ice cream to Rwanda. Mixing music with dessert, this doc proves there is always light at the end of the turnnel. But sibling filmmakers Lisa and Rob Fruchtman don’t
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Hi all.. not exactly a stellar week it seems but here are some picks …… Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival – 25 Vancouver chocolate makers and artisans come together for this festival that brings 60 new and unusual hot chocolate flavours to Vancouver. Various locations around the city until Feb 14th. CBC 700 Hamilton St 7.30-9.30p.m. Free but you need to get there early to secure a seat. 5th Annual Toque Sessions Running every Thursday and Friday evening from January 23 to February 28, has all the genres you’ll need to satisfy your musical palate. Full schedule here… http://www.cbc.ca/bc/community/blog/2014/01/the-toque-sessions-free-concerts-at-cbc-vancouver.html Monday Feb 3 Vancity Theatre 1181 Seymour St 7p.m. $11 Black History Month Music for Mandela FEATURING Soweto Gospel Choir, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Vusi Mahlasela, BB King, Bambatha Mandela, Katherine Jenkins Presented in association with Black History Month, Music for Mandela explores the role music played in the remarkable life of one of the world’s few genuinely heroic politicians. The effects of this relationship continue to ripple through the poorest South African townships as well as the world stage even following his death. From Nelson Mandela singing at his own prison concert to the present day celebrations of his legacy, the music born
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